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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day out with Sam, Li-ling and Raffy

Since I need a gown for Sam and Raffy's wedding, Sam brought me to the same shop where she had her gown made. It was a stall in 168 Mall in Divisoria. We were to meet in the Alabang train station, take the 10AM train to Tutuban station where we could walk towards 168 Mall.

Problem is, I didn't know a jeepney ride from Pacita to StarMall Alabang would take an hour. I thought it would be 30 minutes, based on the time a bus would be in Alabang upon leaving Pacita. I didn't take into consideration that the jeepney would stop at many places in order to load passengers. Aargh. I was still in the jeepney when I heard the 10AM train pull away.

Sam texted me to say the next train leaves at 10:30AM. I got to the station before 10:30AM, didn't see Sam, thought she took the 10AM trip, so I just bought a ticket and got on the train. Right before the train was to pull away, Sam called and I realized she was still in Alabang station.

This is why I ended up waiting for about an hour at Tutuban Station for Sam to arrive, onboard the train that left Alabang at 11AM.

Tutuban station has free wifi, but I couldn't connect to it for some reason. Even after using the password given by the customer service person. After I got tired sitting in front of the TV at the waiting area, I passed by the canteen to buy something to drink. Found this cat, lounging and sleeping like a log. Cute.

Walking around the ground floor, I realized the station has a small chapel at one end.

Sam finally arrived, and with her was Li-ling, a Taiwanese co-teacher in the Korean school where Sam teaches Music and conversational English.

After I was finished with the gown fitting, Raffy arrived and the four of us walked around 168 mall where Li-Ling bought some watches and kid's shoes (for her nephew or niece). In between 168 Mall and the train station is the Tutuban Centermall.

Tutuban Centermall's facade is reminiscent of buildings in old Manila, probably of the era around the time the railway was built. We just passed through this mall as we went back to the station and took the train to go to Nichols Station, where we took a taxi going to Market Market.

Li-Ling liked Market Market better than 168 Mall. When she was through shopping, we walked towards Bonifacio High Street, taking pictures along the way. We were there til evening and I treated everyone to dinner at Friday's. We parted ways after dinner.